Ron is a real person. People who act like Ron are called Ronulians. People who put up with Rons are called Ron-duhs. Happy Ronday! So Ron has introduced my sister to her roommate, the previously mentioned woman who is on unemployment and has a baby by an illegal alien who is providing them with the luxurious section…
Thanks For Breaking Up With Me
We broke up in 2005 and then again in 2007. It was strange to see his name come popping up on my Facebook friend request list again this week. But a lot had changed in 6 years, and I was just as curious to find out what had changed for him. I was amused to…
The Ron Job
Ron is a real person. I can’t make this stuff up. Welcome to Ronday. Ron and my sister came to visit at my Dad & Stepmum’s house. My husband and I joined them for dinner. As we made small talk around the table, my stepmum asked me how my job hunt was going. (The company…
I’m Not Predjudiced But . . .
I had been talking to this fellow Trotter for several days now. The conversation was neither annoying nor fascinating, it was just general conversation via text and email. A not unpleasant diversion. We had agreed to meet for a date this week – and I was actually curious what it would be like to meet…
Ron Around The Clock
Ron is a real person. Not even his name has been changed to protect the innocent. Welcome to your weekly Ronday blog! Ron was a class act charmer. My sister was not necessarily on the top of her game, but with some help she had gotten a studio-style apartment in a decent area of town…
A Very Ron Christmas
Ron is a real person. And these are my real memories of them. My sister is no longer with us, but these moments continue on in infamy. I’ll be posting one Ron story every Monday (or Ronday) so we can all shake our heads together. My sister’s current flame thought he was really something. My…
The Friend Zone
“I don’t want to date anymore.” He said. “I’ve decided I just want to build a community of friends and work from there. Y’know, find a friend in Pineville, one in Uptown, one in University. . .” “A girl in every port?” I asked. “Naw, why you gotta be like that? I just mean that…
Introducing Ron . . .
Several years ago, I started sharing these “Ron” stories with my friends on an online message board. Rather than losing them in the the outerspace of the interwebz, I offer them here, for your enjoyment. There are about a dozen or so – and I’m going to post them each Monday (now dubbed Ronday) since…
Happy Trails Day
It was 9 years ago today that I packed my Toyota Corolla and headed west to Colorado. I stopped by my mom’s to tell her goodbye, then got in my car and just started driving. My reason for leaving on February 13th was calculated: I didn’t want to spend another Valentine’s Day with someone who…