Being dumped hurts. Being dumped a few minutes before your prom is just devastating. But sometimes, when you dejectedly go to the local hamburger joint in your prom dress, a boy named Bryan happens. I first heard this story this morning on the radio as I drove back to my office. Bryan Hayes is a…
Ron-duh Rememberers
Ron is a real person, and the inspiration for Rondays. Ronulians are people are Ronlike. Ron-duhs are people who put up with them. Happy Ronday! My sister, God rest her soul, was one of the messiest, most disorganized people I know. Every place she ever lived in always looked like a tornado hit it – her cars…
On Dating: Going Organic
I know I had mentioned having someone new and special in my life, but that was fairly short-lived. In reality, I think of him now as my shock absorber. He was newly in my life when I found out about my ex’s engagement, and his presence certainly cushioned the blow. In hindsight (which is always…
Get Your Ron Here!
A friend inspired me to write this commercial about Ron. Happy Ronday! “You’ve read about him online, you’ve seen him in your dreams, now you can have him all to yourself – for only 19.99! Get your homeRon today! “But wait there’s more! If you call in the next 30 minutes you’ll get: his sexy…
A Cherry Ride
Ron is real. I know, he’s just so dreamy, it’s hard to believe. Happy Ronday! (So, to refresh – Ron and my sister had broken up but now she was suddenly in posession of his cat. Which I had “forced” her to lie to me about ) Ron knew he was on my list –…
A Shout and a Whisper
On Tuesday, I had the honor to participate in “Shout Out! Against Sexual Violence,” an annual event hosted by the Orange County Rape Crisis Center. It was the first time I had ever publicly read something out loud about my childhood molestation, and although I was told my voice remained steady and strong, my right…
Walks on the Beach
True online OKCupid encounter* commences now (I even left in the typos): He: How are you? If you were walking on the beach and saw someone laying there buried in the sand, completely, with only the face barely peeking through, just enough to breathe, would you step on their face or walk around? Lol. (long…
A Tale of Two Kitties
Ron is Real. And someone who puts up with him is called a Ron-duh. My sister was a Ron-duh. Happy Ronday! As you may recall, we last left my sister living on the most dangerous street in the county with no phone and no car, walking to work amidst johns and prostitutes, while Ron was…
Hold On Tight
The night my sister died, I was alone. Sully was out having drinks with his best friend Pete. I called him several times, but he didn’t answer, so I called Pete and soon Sully was on his way. I had seen my sister just a few days before when I flew back for Easter. At that…