Ron is a real person. People who act like Ron are called Ronulians. People who put up with Rons are called Ron-duhs. Happy Ronday!
So Ron has introduced my sister to her roommate, the previously mentioned woman who is on unemployment and has a baby by an illegal alien who is providing them with the luxurious section 8 housing they are all living in. I dub this roommate Lola (as in Lover Of iLlegal Aliens)
Lola has failed her driver’s license test 4 times, my sister has her license. But she has a car and my sister does not. Lola decides to get a part-time job but the store that hires her is not on the bus line – it’s in the next town over.
What’s the solution? Lola drives to work each day on her learner’s permit, with my sister as the observing driver. However, Lola doesn’t want my sister to drive her car, so my sister then sits in the car for the 4 hours of Lola’s shift.
My sister tells me this one weekend as she’s over borrowing some books. She’s read through all of hers as reading has become her primary occupation while waiting for Lola.
“Why don’t you try to get a job in the same plaza as Lola?” I ask. My sister then explains that the store Lola is working at does not want them to work the same shifts, and the only other store in the Plaza hiring was the grocery store.
“Well,” I say. “It’s better than nothing, plus you’ll get discounts on food and stuff you need!”
The grocery store is willing to work with my sister and give her similar shifts as Lola, but the grocery store has 6 hour shifts and Lola works 4 hour shifts – so there would be some overlap.
Lola won’t hear of it, though. “Why should I have to wait around for you?”